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Unhappy with your college? Copy/Paste the template below to send an email to a leader at your institution today:

Hi _____________,

My name is _______________ and I am a concerned (Student / Faculty Member / Alumni / Community Member) of ___(Institution Name)_____. 

I'm writing to you specifically today with concerns I see in university trends, specifically regarding racial minority enrollment. Looking at the latest data, _____(the institution)_____ is only enrolling _____XX%_____. 

This is in a state that is ___(XX% group)_____. I am concerned that ___(Institution) is failing its duty to educate students equitably. 


Furthermore, the disparities in outcome on campus are deep. The 6-year graduation rate for _____ students is _____%, while for _____ students it was ____%. 


What I would like to know is:

1. What is the university doing to reach out to _____ high schoolers, transfer students, and families, to encourage attendance at ___(institution)____ and make attendance feasible?

2. What is the university doing to create a more comfortable/hospitable environment? 

3. What is the university doing to better prepare students for the real, diverse world that they will enter post-graduation, if the university is not representative?

4. What is the university doing to ensure ________ students have the resources to graduate and secure strong post-graduation outcomes?


I thank you in advance for your time and consideration addressing these questions. I am more than happy to keep this dialogue open, as ____(institution name)______ is a place both of us care about deeply and hope to make better.

Thank you,

(Your Name)

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